martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

One Quarter

It really is the quarter of the year, and it is not easy to imagine that as much as we want the time to go by as fast as it can, because we wanna rest the weekend or maybe we want our vacations the sooner it's possible, or just because we're waiting a special date in the calender, but what we don't realize very well, or at least we seem to forget is that every single day is a unique chance, a wonderful gift, coz one day down it's one less to go, until (yes) the day we're leaving this world for good.

No matter if we believe in a heaven, in hell, reincarnation, or anything else about what happens to us after life, but the truth we know is we're here, sharing our life, and I'm kinda confused when I think what the fuck I should do with my life.

My culture (Colombian Caribbean) has taught me that life is worth living ONLY if we enjoy, the more we enjoy the better life is, but I've heard somewhere else, that wasting our bodies and life drinking, eating, and (yes) fucking, it's not the right way to go.

So here I am, confused, I think a life is worth living if you do what you like, I love enjoying my moments alone, love writting, love watching movies, love traveling, love taking pictures, and even when I'm doing those things everyday, there's nothing to stops me from doing it, even the responsabilities I got now.

So that's what I'm gonna do, keep enjoying my moments alone, keep writting, keep watching movies, keep travelling, keep taking pictures, and keep taking care of my duties, if only I could get paid from doing those things, but what the hell, not everybody got that chance, and it's not like I'm looking too much.

Well, by the way I wanna write about something very weird, there's somebody I thought was against me, for some reason, but lately I think this person is trying to get along with me, and I don't know what to expect, but, shit, it would be fucking awesome if I got the chance to...well...let's say it, to get laid, i got to do something but while ideas come to my mind, I got to look for a song to fit this post. lol

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