viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Save something from yourself

Traveling to Montería having so few hours before coming back to this point lost in the map, was a risky decision. Having in mind all what could go wrong, it is like a miracle that everything came up so great, that as far it's my best trip of the year and I was in Medellin this year.

I arrived late, like 5 pm and I had someone waiting for me, that´s why the first thing I did was getting something for them. The Iced-tea that leaded us to meet, and the usual chocolate...then the phone rang, it was them...they were across the street with somebody else, I was feeling uncomfortable, but I remembered I had talked to their companion, and it was a really cool person, lovely, caring... anyway but for some reason I was feeling not that easy.

I crossed the street and yes, i was afraid, they had told me I looked so different in my facebook pics that it was hard to tell how I'd look face to face...and well... I crossed the street, and I could see them both, it was weird. Then we decided to hang out for a while and things got easier, but I´m not that cool when meeting people for the first time, but I didn´t wanna look like that, so I tried to talk, and having the girl by my side was real helpful.

Then, real cool things happening, but the top moment of the night was when I was told -in british accent by the way- "you´re a giver, but you should´t be, SAVE SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF" and that was the best advice I´ve got in years I think, maybe I want to please other people instead of me, but maybe that´s the problem, once I´ve given everything, I´m not interesting anymore.

I had to say that discussing with my best friend the same day wasn´t helping that much, I was distracted, and I didn´t want to look distracted...but thank God, I called him and we´re friends again. Waking up was hard, i knew I had to go back to Sincelejo, but I didn´t know it was gonna be that way. I didn´t wanna go, I wanna spend more hours, lying there, feeling the way I was feeling, but duty calls, and I have a responsability even when it´s not the kind of responsability I'd like to have... and then sleeping the whole way to Sincelejo, and being the messenger for people in this town didn´t leave anytime to rest, and then the whole way to this place, again, in the middle of nowhere, far way from the things and people I care about. It´s very hard. I got dreams.

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