lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

der Abstinenz

Seufzer. It is very hard for a man to stay still, when everything that cross through your mind is sex. It's been a while since the last time I had sex for the last time...well maybe like two or three weeks, but thing is it is very very difficult not to have sex. Well, when you´re busy it´s easy to focus your energy in doing your things...and it´s kinda good and maybe that´s the good thing about abstinence, you got a lot of energy you can use to do things right.

But now, the negative facts. When it´s been a while since you had sex for the last time, you can easily fall in temptation, and do bad things (or sweet things) with people that after you're finished you will regret. On the other  hand if you chose the right person, someone who cares about you, even when it's not a girlfriend or a lover, it's totally ok. But it's important to have in mind that maybe somewhere, somebody is the right one for you to fuck, not to love, because I´ve found Love is such a complicated thing that it´s not likely to find in short term.

I´m afraid Love is related to the biochemistry of our brains, and so, our chemistry so maybe waiting for somebody the right time, maybe it would make you love somebody. Or maybe Love is not related to Fuck, or maybe for some people it is.

Now, I know it's gonna take weeks for me to leave this town, so I´m gonna be an abstinent for a while, but maybe there´s is someone, out there, who deserves I stay still...but it´s hard I know, I gotta focus on the things I should be doing, the gym (where I suck) or the school (where I suck too) anyway time is the only thing that doesn't stay still and that is a blessing for all of us who are waiting for something to happen.

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