Maldiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiita sea, aveces pienso que soy el tipo más idiota estúpido y además de todo ignorante de todo el mundo. Tal como me dijo mi mamá alguna vez "un tipo que ha estudiado tanto como tu, como puede ser tan bruto", bueno en esa ocasión creo que tenía mucha razón en sentirse así...pero volviendo al tema, la cuestión es ¿por qué soy tan bruto?
Si, only a motherfucker idiot may possible think that levantarse con el pie derecho hará mejor que tu día than doing it with the left foot, Ja, it sounds stupid, o solamente es que yo soy muy tonto, pero si soy así, me siento peor que María Cecilia Botero, con toda esa sarta de estupideces que hace cuando inicia un proyecto de acuerdo a los chismosos de sweet. Cada cosa que hago o dejo de hacer parece que estuviera ligada al hecho de que me va a ir bien o me va a ir mal al día siguiente.
Sometimes it's like, you know just writting in my fucking blog may bring me bad luck, or well, working very early in the morning brings me real good luck, yes, that's me and I´m that stupid, or thinking once, that reading the Bible brings me bad luck and stop reading it brings me brand new good luck....please, it's like my mind is infected with a lot of crap, if only I could delete all those bites of useless information, if only, I don´t know if I'm a fucking lucky man, or what but, like everybody else in the world, I like good things happening to me, and when I realize that having sex or not having sex is making my days worst or better, then is when I think I need help.
I might sound crazy but that´s what I am, I think too much, I have tons of free time, wait no, I have tons of time I should invest in making my work best, and maybe that little things are what making my days worst or better, not the simple facts that sleeping with my head south or north-oriented, and also I need to have an spiritual connection, and it seems that sometimes work. I've learned as a child that supersticions are something evil, if only I could get rid of them I would be happier, easier. I need to stop, well at least is not drugs like some of my former twitter friends I talked about in a previous post, and other news, it seems my friend got a weird interest in getting his former lover back, he forgave, but not me, well the hell, the fuck with him, he never was my friend, and actually I never thought it was gonna last, that seudo-friendship we used to have, again, after talking about luck and former friends I'm hungry and well I have to go.
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