It seems somebody is blaming me for everything what happened last december when we were making plans to live together somewhere else, away from this place where I'm stuck now, those was hard weeks for me I was supposed to deliver a lot of documents for the evaluation of the end of the end of the year, plus I had to consolidate the final grades for 250 students, and plus I was physically exhausted because I was not feeling healthy those days.
But it seems that somebody who wasn't doing nothing better than sleeping,eating and going to swim, decided I had nothing better to do that finding apartments in Bogotá, and I guess he thought I had the whole time in the world because I used to spend time tweeting, which I used to do to relax, and I did it from my phone, I actually tried to find an internet station where I could be searching, but a) it was really fucking hard to find an internet station in this jungle and b) I have absolutely no experience finding apartments.
After 9 months where we were supposed to wait to be together, it seems this "somebody" decided that waiting for me was not right and flew away, the same day I was supposed to come back to my home, and I was gonna be free, but somobody didn't think about it. Later somebody said that it was an issue about pills, because taking a subsititute for Prozac was getting into their system. Ok, again I can't trust somebody who uses Prozac to avoid depression, please, Prozac? Seriously? There's something wrong about somebody here and it's not me.
I'm guessing somebody feels so bad about his body and his looks that needs pills to avoid feeling "miserable", again that's not the kind of person I need by my side, specially when for me looks it's not such a fucking big deal.
Well, life is interesting and when somebody leaves, others come and they have a lot more to offer than a poisoned body and soul. Sorry, but that's the truth. And also, using a friend of mine to show they're right, don't insult my intelligence, more when with a simple phone call I could tell that was a fucking lie. I'm not saying I had no responsability for anything, maybe I should stop all this crazyness on time, but sorry I can't be perfect.
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