martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Black Tango

I'm afraid...there's something that may hurt me real bad...but I'm scared if I dare doing something about it I may end up or dead or broken, I'm the sum of my parts, every single physical and mental part of me, that's what define me and I don't wanna quit to any of a big die or being alive but just half of you...tricky big question...

Well putting the dark comments aside...I wanted to write about the day I came to live in this jungle... well of course...there was a first day I got here, but of course it wasn't the day I got here to live, that's a completely different history

I thought there was an easy way to go from Sincelejo to the jungle, I was so lucky I the road was dry at that time (it was April 27th) and there were one van ready to go, expensive of course, but at least it was what I was was a tuesday...I left Sincelejo thinking about how much my life was changing, I was in another country just a few HOURS ago, I left my voluntary job in Sincelejo and I was leaving the person I loved, leaving this country as well...fuck but this was something I got to do...taking care of me, that was something I was looking forward since I finished college, but then the kidney stones, and some other factors prevented me to do it so...but that was exactly what I was thinking when I was leaving Sincelejo.

Yes, I was traveling to the jungle, it was like 2:30 when I left, I got here like 6:45 to 7, and trust me that was FAST, I talked to my new landlady and she told me there were no rooms available for me, but she had set her nephew's house so I could live there until her houses rooms were empty...I met the nephew and some nieces, they took me there to his house in a motorbike after having dinner of course, and then they took me to an Internet room, of course it was slow as hell...and then when I was coming back to the nephew's house (where there was a baby) I saw the billboard... BLACK TANGO... it shocked me that in the middle of this hell there could be a place named in such a poetical way, well it took months before I got in there but it was enough time to realize that even in the last corner of te world, there will be things able to surprise you.

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