jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Zeit (O la falta de el)

Últimamente he sentido que el tiempo transcurre de una manera diferente. It's not like it's going faster or slower, coz here in this fucking place, the pace of time is always lower than I could expect, and yes, it's not about pace, it's about ammount.

Or maybe I'm not used to spend time, I mean quality time with the people I love, or well let's not talk about love, the people I care, thing is living my real life in Sincelejo, or anywhere else outside here is almost impossible since I got only 48 hours when I leave here to go there. Some people may think I'm some kind of ungrateful bastard, which I'm not (or at least not trying to be), but thing is when I'm stuck in this place my life is a permanent pause state.

That's why my life is so fucking accelerate when I go to Sincelejo, me sleeping, is a luxury I can't afford, I tried to spend my time very carefully doing the kind of things I do like, but it happens is so much, that actually time is not enough. Zeit ist nicht Genug. Espero que la próxima vez que vaya a Sincelejo, o cualquier lugar donde la civilización SI exista, pueda aprovechar mi tiempo y que al menos esa vez mi tiempo rinda.

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